Saturday, July 01, 2006

miri schoolgirl bullies

the past couple of weeks of my term break cum world cup holidays have been enjoyably hectic..hah, i calculated, from friday morning till now, out of the last 32 hours i've managed to spend a grand total of 3 hours at home..hahah, the balance was spent hanging out with a friend who's about to leave soon, cc, futsal 1u class dinner, mamak for wcup, sleeping over (erm, ended up not sleeping at all) at yang's place, 5-hr undang course (where i caught up with lost sleep.=p) for my driving license.and supposed to play badminton somemore after i came back...hahah..

anyway, onto the title for this post, you might have seen this article on the front page of the Star several days back. concerning video footage of some secondary school girls in miri bullying another girl..all clad in uniform.

there's been alot of controversy surrounding the malaysian education system recently..the transparency (or rather, lack of it) in awarding of JPA scholarships by the government..the concern over our "brain drain" to foreign countries where our brightest young minds are snapped up by top foreign universities after being mysteriously declined their courses of choice at UM..and now this, actual video evidence of rampant bullying among students..

i've personally witnessed some bully cases when i was back in high school, but fortunately, have never been involved in one. anyway, most people turn a blind eye to this kind of stuff but in actual fact, we know it happens but we just keep quiet as long as it doesn't invovle ourselves...typical m'sian mentality!

here's the video in all it's glory :

in case you don't speak mandarin, the bullies keep asking the same question to the victim, which is: "Did you or did you not tell him?"

UPDATE: Boyfriend talk sparked off attack

Posted by ~z at 6:59 PM