Tuesday, June 27, 2006

when there's too much time

take pointless personality tests like the one on PersonalDNA.com. yea, it's awfully long at 100 questions, but you'll get this rather cool tube thingy which reveals different characteristics about you when you move your mouse above the different colors. haha..anyway, if you're waiting for the next world cup match while idling online..do this.

inventor?? i've never invented anything my entire life. unless you count talking nonsense. then probably i'm an inventive crapper.hah.

another useful time-killer is this tiny game.

some japanese game where you're supposed to navigate this spacecraft past asteroids that seem to be equipped with heat-seeking navigation?! haha..there's no winning this game, you're just supposed to stay alive as long as possible till you get wiped out.

i leave this on my desktop and play it during the time it takes my hopeless streamyx to connect.nifty, i say.

[download] the game haha, sorry i cant read jap.

try beating this:

Posted by ~z at 9:44 PM