Sunday, April 16, 2006

dazzling drizzle


it's been pouring the whole week.

good thing is, it gives lazy me an excuse not to go run.

i think i owe peter 4 times. that's 80 laps. 22.4km. damn.

bad thing is, the thunderstorms've been preventing me from idling my time online as long as i usually do. hold on, that's a good thing right?? wohoo!!

i've been too damn lazy to move out of my bed, let alone blog.

it just stopped raining, i can still hear the last drops of rain pitter-patter down the gutter behind my room.

what is it about rain that makes you wanna stay in bed the whole day wrapped up under your blanket?

is it the refusal of leaving the warmth and comfort of your cushy bed to the cold, damp air anywhere else?

or the refreshing sound of the rain drops endlessly bombarding the roof.


Charlotte Martin - Every Time It Rains (techno version)

The Beta Band - Dry The Rain

i'm goin back to bed. sweet slumber beckons.

Posted by ~z at 6:45 PM