Tuesday, March 14, 2006

life goes on

can't complain about my results. there was no miracle. got the very least I deserved. hopes for scholarships as good as gone, but giving it a try anyway.

B*** : hey, wanna join me smoke weed? me and S**** on our b'day.

~Z : what??

B*** : come on la. i'm doin it just for fun.

~Z : ...

B*** : try it out lah. you've only got one life, why waste it?

~Z : YOU've only got one life, Why waste it?

they're a lot of things i wanna do before i die, pointlessly making my life significantly shorter by smoking weed, or smoking anything else for that matter, is not one of them. i rather live years longer than give it up for a puff of marijuana. not gonna waste my life away. not like that.


The Format - Give It Up

great tune, great theme..listen to the lyrics.

ever seen the simpsons? its freakin funny, and enlightening as well since the Philosopher of the Decade is the main chracter. =p

watch this : The Simpsons in Real Life

Posted by ~z at 11:02 PM